Petak, 10. septembar

Video dnevnici Nelsona Salivana / Nelson Sullivan`s Video Diaries, Nelson Sullivan, SAD, 90’ – Meteori

Njujorčanin Nelson Salivan snimio je više od 1.900 sati video zapisa i većinu sačuvao na VHS kasetama. Oni čine zbirku od 601 epizode koja prikazuje njegov svakodnevni život u Ist Vilidžu, kao i brojne tadašnje ikone poput RuPola, Silvije Majls i Fibi Ledžir.

From 1983 to 1989, New Yorker Nelson Sullivan captured more than 1,900 hours of video footage and saved most of it on VHS tapes, making a collection of 601 episodes documenting his everyday life in the East-Village, as well as following some flamboyant local icons like RuPaul, Sylvia Miles, and Phoebe Legere.

Subota, 11. septembar

Naše ludilo / Our Madness, João Viana, Mozambik, Gvineja Bisao, Katar, Portugal, Francuska, 90’ – Meteori

Lusi leži u psihijatrijskoj bolnici u Mozambiku. Sanja o svom malom sinu, Haniku i mužu Paku, koji se bori u ratu. U međuvremenu stvara muziku pomoću čudnog instrumenta: kreveta u kome leži. Lusina muzička virtuoznost privlači pažnju bolničarki. Jednog dana, njenu pesmu puštaju na radiju i Roza, evangelistička sveštenica sa Radija Mozambik odlazi u bolnicu da čuje Lusinu pesmu uživo. Lusi koristi ovu posetu kao priliku da pobegne.

Lucy is hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital in Mozambique. She dreams about her little son, Hanic, and her husband, Pak, who is a soldier of the war. In the meantime, a quirky musical instrument plays: her own bed. Lucy’s musical virtuosity attracts the attention of the hospital nurses. One day, her song is played in a radio program and Rosa, an evangelical priest of Radio Mocambique, goes to the hospital to listen to Lucy’s song. She takes the priest’s visit as an opportunity to run away.

Nedelja, 12. septembar

Spoljašnja buka / Outside Noise, Ted Fendt, Nemačka, Južna Koreja, Austrija, 61’ – Meteori

Danijela nije sigurna o tome šta da radi ili kuda dalje da ide. Mia završava studije koje je započela spontano. Zajedno sa Natašom, drugaricom koja planira da se seli, one šetaju gradom i razgovaraju o neizvesnoj budućnosti. Priča o prijateljstvu, letnjim okupljanjima i besanim noćima u Berlinu i Beču. Film o druženju insomničara.

Daniela is unsure about what to do or where to go next. Mia is completing a degree she spontaneously started. Along with Natascha, a friend planning on moving, they stroll across town and discuss their uncertain future. A story of friendship, summer reunions and sleepless nights in Berlin and Vienna. An insomniac’s hang out film.

Reka teče, zaokreće, briše, zamenjuje / A River Runs, Turns, Erases, Replaces, SAD, 87’ – Meteori

Zanimljiva društvena pozornica na kojoj ljudi nastupaju na različite načine: neki igraju, pevaju, plivaju; neki koriste lopatu, vare i udaraju čekićem. Pejzaž u konstantnom procesu promene, koji oblikuje priroda, ali i dramatično menjaju zaglušujuće mašine i sve kompleksnija infrastruktura. Tu gde se sade želje. I gde se zakopavaju sećanja. Na izgubljenom mestu.

An engaging communal stage on which people perform in various ways: some dancing, singing, swimming; some shoveling, welding and hammering. An evolving landscape that is continuously sculpted by nature and dramatically altered by roaring machines and rising infrastructure. Where desires are planted. Where memories are buried. The lost place.

Ponedeljak, 13. septembar

Finfine u procepu / Rift Finfinnee, Daniel Kötter, Nemačka, Etiopija, 79’ – Meteori

Film vodi gledaoca na putovanje kroz periferiju etiopske prestonice Adis Abebe. Kroz zvuk i slike koji su na kompleksan način isprepletani sa originalnim razgovorima, ovo ostvarenje prati svakodnevni život poljoprivrednih i građevinskih radnika na istoku Adis Abebe (na oromo jeziku: Finfine).

The film takes the viewer on a journey through the periphery of Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. In strictly composed images and a soundtrack that interweaves the original conversations in a complex way, the film takes the concrete geography, architecture and the every day life of individual agricultural and construction workers in the east of Addis Ababa (in Oromo: Finfinnee).

Sreda, 15. septembar

Glavati dečak, šamani i samuraji / The Big-Headed Boy, Shamans & Samurais, Bibhusan Basnet & Pooja Gurung, Nepal, Francuska, 38’ – Meteori

U udaljenom nepalskom planinskom selu, reditelji traže odgovarajuće glumce za svoj film. Ali, kada pronađu savršenog dečaka za glavnu ulogu, lokalni šaman ne želi da ga pusti jer bi on mogao biti spasitelj sela.

In a remote Nepalese mountain village, directors Bibhusan Basnet and Pooja Gurung are looking for suitable actors for their film. But when they find the perfect boy to play the lead role, the local shaman doesn’t want to let him go, because he might be the savior of the village.

Četvrtak, 16. septembar

Puška i torba / A Rifle and a Bag, Cristina Hanes, Isabella Rinaldi, Arya Rothe, Indija, Rumunija, Italija, Katar, 89’ – Meteori

Somi i njen suprug trude se da stvore novi identitet nakon što su se borili zajedno sa Naksalitima, komunističkom gerilskom grupom koja je ratovala protiv indijske države za prava svojih plemenskih zajednica. Posle decenije sukoba, par je napustio pokret i predao se policiji. Od tada pokušavaju da obrazuju svoju decu i pomire svoju nasilnu prošlost sa željom da se integrišu u indijsko društvo.

Somi and her husband are striving to forge a new identity after fighting alongside the Naxalites, a communist guerrilla group that has been waging war on the Indian State since the 60’s. After a decade of armed struggle for the rights of their tribal communities, the couple deserted the movement and surrendered to the police. Ever since, they have been trying to educate their son and reconcile their violent past with the desire to integrate into Indian society.

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